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Pedagogical Science

Fregio 8
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

The Master Degree program aims to provide advanced knowledge and operational skills designed to train professionals specialized in pedagogical and educational sciences, both in the education and global care of the person throughout the entire life cycle. The Master Degree Course allows, on the one hand, students to qualify for the professional role of Educationist, now necessary in the socio-health training contexts and also in the so-called "0-6 system"; on the other hand, it provides all the disciplinary requirements for teaching in the A18 class. The Master Degree Course aims to develop highly specialized study and research skills, design skills, and specific management and communication skills.

Fregio 8
What do you learn?

The Master Degree Course aims to train professionals with high organizational and managerial skills in the training process and design, coordinate, and evaluate highly specialized training courses in different contexts, tailored to the person's entire life cycle. The objectives concern the acquisition of advanced theoretical and operational knowledge in educational and training research with a particular focus on qualitative and relational approaches and methodologies. Specifically, through teaching courses, seminars, and practical exercises, the system pursues qualifying training objectives.

Fregio 8
What can you do with it?

Social-educational and social-assistance services and facilities; third sector associations. Educational services aimed at promoting well-being and health, educational care of the person, groups, the elderly, and the community and benefits of juvenile justice, re-education aimed at the recovery and reintegration of offenders in social life. Coordinator of territorial educational services. Manager of educational and training organizations. Expert in the design and conducting of scientific research in the educational field. Pedagogical consultant. Specialist in the processes of skill recognition, assessment and certification. Pedagogical Coordinator of nursery schools.