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Civil Engineering

Fregio 10
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

This two year Civil Engineering Master Degree Course develops previously acquired skills and knowledge further, training highly qualified professionals capable of taking on complex problems relating to the fields in which civil engineers typically work: structural and geotechnical, hydraulic, infrastructural and transport.

Fregio 10
What do you learn?

Specific educational objectives: structural dynamics, theory and design of bridges, steel structures, seismic zone constructions, building testing and monitoring, structural computational mechanics, structural theory; support structure foundations and work, geotechnics; aqueducts and sewers, health and engineering engineering, maritime building, territorial hydraulic protection; geometrical-functional road, rail and airport infrastructure design and its safety, management and building; transport system planning, design and implementation.

Fregio 10
What can you do with it?

Civil engineers can work in technical and/or managerial roles in the following contexts: freelance work, professional studios and firms; civil work construction and maintenance firms; public bodies with technical offices for civil work and infrastructure planning, design and management; research and experimentation centres (both public and private). This Master Degree Course in Civil Engineering entitles graduates to register on the Engineering register (civil and environmental sector) after sitting a state exam. Alma Laurea data shows that 86% of Master Degree graduates in Civil Engineering find a job within three years of graduation.