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Sciences and technologies for soil protection and conservation

Fregio 12
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

The STEDIS Master Degree Course aims to mainly deepen the cultural, scientific and professional fields related to soil protection in the context of climate change, agricultural and forestry uses, sustainable management and enhancement of agricultural and forestry resources in the perspective of an organization and management of the agro-forestry company that takes into account the principles of the circular economy. The Master Degree Course trains professionals specialized in the sustainable management of the soil ecosystem with reference to its multidisciplinary aspects ranging from the chemical-physical aspects of the system, to its conservation over time also for production purposes, to defense against erosive processes and the consequent problems of hydrogeological instability, to the arrangement of slopes and watercourses also with naturalistic engineering techniques. The Master Degree Course prepares a professional figure adhering to the skills of the senior Agronomist and to the following professions codified by ISTAT:

  • Hydrologists (;
  • Planners, landscape architects and specialists in land recovery and conservation (2.2 .2.1.2);
  • Botanists (;
  • Agronomists and Foresters (;
  • Researchers and Graduate Technicians in Earth Sciences (

Fregio 12
What do you learn?

The skills that STEDIS graduates can acquire are based on the acquisition of the most innovative technical-scientific knowledge of the disciplines of surveying and territorial information systems, applied botany, soil conservation and protection, hydrology and the physical quality of soils. The skills that can be acquired are completed by the topics of geomorphological hazards, environmental legislation and related evaluation techniques, soil microbiology, agronomic techniques and the choice of wood species for soil conservation purposes as well as prevention and protection from forest fires. The complex of these disciplines, which underlie the implementation of soil defence, conservation and sustainable management techniques, can be completed with a "student's choice" section aimed at enriching skills and abilities in the fields of biotechnics of plant species and naturalistic engineering also with reference to the degradation of wooden materials, bioindicators of soil quality and the recovery of degraded areas.

Fregio 12
What can you do with it?

STEDIS graduates have a professional profile that allows them to find a job placement, subject to public competition, in various state structures and apparatuses, such as the State Forestry Corps, or in the Regions, Provinces, Mountain Communities, Municipalities, Park authorities, nature reserves, agricultural engineering companies and companies and organizations operating in the field of defence, sustainable management and soil conservation. The Soil Protection Technician can also collaborate in the activities of environmental associations also with reference to the sector of environmental dissemination; another relevant professional outlet is that of freelance activity, as the graduate in Sciences and Technologies for the defense and conservation of the soil can access the Professional Register of Doctors of Agronomy and Forestry.