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Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques

Fregio 3
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

The objective of this Bachelor Degree Course is to train professional Medical Radiology Technicians (TSRM) as health workers with solid core and practical knowledge in the field of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy sciences and techniques, and capable of responsibly carrying out activities relating to diagnostic procedures, radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and health physics in their areas of competence.

Fregio 3
What do you learn?

Teaching activities include lectures and professional training carried out in public and private facilities. Its integrated teaching courses are held by one or more teachers relating to the specific objectives of the course and include core sciences, prevention and safety disciplines. Great space is provided for training on radiological, nuclear medical and radiotherapy imaging techniques and equipment, image processing and archiving systems. Training is completed with professional management skills and other disciplines such as medical oncology, orthopaedics and odonstomatology.

Fregio 3
What can you do with it?

Employment opportunities for graduates in medical radiology techniques for imaging and radiotherapy are:

  • diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy departments and services operating national health system hospitals and similar private structures;
  • production industries operating in the diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy fields.
Professionals can carry out all interventions requiring the use of both artificial and natural ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, on medical prescription. They participate in the programme and organisation of work in the field of the facility they work in and in accordance with their skills.