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Fregio 5
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

The Master Degree Course in Mathematics is the natural continuation of the bachelor degree. It includes training courses that complete and deepen the acquired knowledge of mathematics. The purpose of the Master Degree Course is the training of graduates who have a thorough knowledge of the scientific method and have a solid groundwork of theoretical, methodological and applicative skills in the fundamental areas of mathematics. During the study, skills for analysis and synthesis are developed, as well as the ability to translate interdisciplinary problems into the mathematical language, and to identify solutions to complex problems.

Fregio 5
What do you learn?

Besides providing mandatory teaching courses in pure mathematics, such as Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Mathematical Physics and history of mathematics, the Master Degree Course allows the choice of optional teaching courses, according to the interests of the student and to the job perspective. The knowledge in one or more sectors of pure mathematics can be favored, also in view of the PhD degree; or one can favor the application contents of mathematics, or the knowledge of foundations of Mathematics and didactical methods, or of computer science.

Fregio 5
What can you do with it?

Master Degree graduates in Mathematics will be able to carry out the following professional activities:

  • in banks, financial companies, insurance companies;
  • in companies and firms working with modelling;
  • in research, both at the University, enrolling a PhD, and in other public or private research laboratories;
  • in the dissemination of scientific culture;
  • in the public administration.
Master Degree graduates in Mathematics can also apply, according to the current legislation, to school teaching.