Cultural Heritage: Knowledge, Management and Enhancement
- Amburgo (DE)
- Amiens (FR)
- Arras (FR)
- Barcellona (ES)
- Bonn (DE)
- Dubrovnik (HR)
- Gottinga (DE)
- Malaga (ES)
- Marsiglia (FR)
- Salisburgo (DE)
- Valencia (ES)
- Valenciennes (FR)
- Università di Malaga (ES)
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?
What does it train you for?
The Bachelor Degree Course provides full core training in the tangible/intangible cultural heritage. The historical-archaeological curriculum focuses on the archaeological heritage, while the heritage and cultural tourism curriculum focuses on the cultural heritage of the territory for cultural tourism promotion purposes, with particular attention to Sicily. Laboratory and internship activities are designed to create a first connection with the job market. Students learn methods related to the recovery and conservation, analysis and classification, management, communication and promotion of the cultural heritage. They learn to draw up technical reports and develop skills in English.
What do you learn?
The Bachelor Degree Course covers history from ancient Greece to the modern world and the geography of cultural heritage, archaeology from prehistory to the Middle Ages, history of art, anthropology, classical and Italian literature as well as the linguistic dialect heritage. The English course leads to level B1. The legal-managerial aspects covered include legislation, applied economics and management of the cultural heritage, while communication and promotion skills are covered by courses in Italian linguistics and communication, museology, communication laboratories and IT applications. The training is completed by lab/field activities and an external internship.
What can you do with it?
There are four Master Degrees in Archaeology, Ancient Sciences, Historical, Anthropological and Geographical Sciences and the History of Art related to this course. Job opportunities concern organisations working in the management and enhancement of sites, collections and monuments and archaeological excavations, or with technical offices operating in the cultural heritage sector. Graduates can work in the use of museum collections, sites and monuments and with travel agencies. They can be excavation assistants, tour guides and take part in territorial study projects or setting up exhibitions. After earning a few credits, they can teach literature and art history at high school level.