Cultural Heritage Conservation And Restoration
- Atene (GR)
- Lisbona (PT)
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?
What does it train you for?
This course of study in Cultural Heritage Conservation and Restoration is a Master Degree Single Cycle requiring a total of 300 ECTS. LMR/02 Master Degree graduates are capable of autonomous operational decision-making, identifying the state of conservation of historical and artistic artefacts and, on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach and modern restoration canons, implement maintenance, prevention and restoration work ensuring conservation over time and contextualising the artistic and cultural value of works of art. This course of study is a joint project - renewed on 21 July 2020 - with the Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity department via the Centro Regionale per la Progettazione e il Restauro.
What do you learn?
LMR/02 Master Degree Single Cycle graduates possess theknowledge and skills to distinguish between traditionaland innovative methodologies on the basisof historic-artistic and scientifi c studies and interactwith the various professionals working inthe fi eld of cultural heritage conservation and restoration. This course of study’s teaching staff comefrom six different departments: STEBICEF, Di-FC, DiSTEM, Engineering, Architecture, Cultureand Society. Its practical work falls into four professional trainingcourse categories:
- PFP1 - Stone material derivatives;
- Decorated architecture surfaces;
- PFP2 - Artefacts painted onto wooden and textile supports;
- Wooden furniture and statues, artefacts in worked, assembled and/or painted synthetic materials;
- PFP3 - Textile and leather materials and artefacts;
- PFP5 - Book and archive materials, paper artefacts, photographic, film and digital materials.
What can you do with it?
The course is qualifying for the profession of Cultural Heritage Restorer pursuant to legislative decree no. 42/2004. Potential career openings are:
- Restoration workshops and firms;
- Cultural Heritage Department institutions working in conservation and protection (archives, libraries, museums and superintendencies);
- Public and private research institutions and bodies working in the cultural heritage conservation and restoration fields;
- Professional sector fi rms and organisations. In December 2018, thirteen Unipa Master Degree students were hired on permanent contracts as qualifi ed restorers at Cultural Heritage Department institutions across Italy.