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Computer Engineering

Fregio 10
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

The Master Degree Course in Computer Engineering trains qualified senior engineers who can coordinate teams that design and develop highly complex computer systems and applications. Students are trained on cutting-edge technologies in the several fields of computer engineering, such as Embedded Systems, Web Applications, CyberSecurity, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. The master graduate in Computer Engineering also acquires skills related to business management and marketing in order to start independent activities.

Fregio 10
What do you learn?

Topics covered are related to the following disciplines:

  • Cryptography,
  • Formal Languages and Compilers,
  • Embedded Systems,
  • Web Systems Design and Architecture,
  • Image Processing,
  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • Big Data,
  • Robotics,
  • Computer Security.
The student will be able to choose optional courses, such as Marketing and Business Administration. In the last semester of the second year, students will carry out an internship in research laboratories in order to prepare their final thesis.

Fregio 10
What can you do with it?

The Master Degree graduates in Computer Engineering will be able to work either independently or in teams. Graduates may work as designers and analysts of large computer systems, supervising design and development teams. Within companies or public and private organizations, the Master in Computer Engineering will allow to cover executive roles thanks to extensive technical knowledge provided.