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Communication of Cultural Heritage

Fregio 4
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

This Master Degree Course in Communication of Cultural Heritage aims to train competent professionals, knowledgeable in the areas pertaining to the communication of cultural heritage, textual sciences and visual culture, mastering communication skills, and therefore capable of designing and coordinating high-profile projects focusing on the promotion and enjoyment of the cultural heritage, critical editions of texts and contemporary visual culture. The Cultures of the text curriculum aims to give graduates an understanding of textual knowledge in connection with the humanities, while the Visual Culture option aims to give graduates a mastery of the visual sciences, on the basis of the interplay between image analysis, social and individual perspectives and the media supporting these images.

Fregio 4
What do you learn?

This Master Degree Course focuses on subjects such as information and communication theories and techniques; semiotics; and socio-economic, anthropological-political and cognitive disciplines; as well as various other subjects aimed at combining communication sciences with other areas of knowledge (such as modern and contemporary art; museology and art and restoration criticism; entertainment sciences; cinema, photography and television; musicology and history of music; Italian literature; literary criticism and comparative literature; and modern languages such as English, German, Arabic, and/or Albanian) with a view to shaping the curriculum in accordance with the requirements of the job market.

Fregio 4
What can you do with it?

Experts in cultural heritage communication can analyse, plan and implement initiatives aimed at communicating the cultural heritage. The cultural heritage concept is to be understood in a broad sense to include not only artistic and monument assets, but also other material and immaterial elements contributing to shaping a given culture (food, traditions, celebrations, etc.). These professionals also perform consultancy work in the design and implementation of spaces and tools devoted to the enjoyment of the cultural heritage (museums, exhibition areas, cultural itineraries, promotional tools such as brochures, virtual applications, videos, etc.), which need to be effective from a communication point of view; they can also offer specialist advice concerning verbal and visual communication (in particular within cultural institutions, public and private foundations, libraries, archives, etc.).