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Art History

Fregio 4
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

This Master Degree Course in Art History is designed to provide graduates with advanced training in the field of art history disciplines with high-level competence in the various figurative art fields from late antiquity to the contemporary age in a geographical area extending from the Mediterranean to Northern Europe. In addition to specialised teaching covering all Western tradition historical phases and languages, the course offers a wide range of iconographical, theoretical and methodological disciplines. Particular attention is paid to the use of new media applied to personal research, publishing and heritage cataloguing, as well, of course, as the bibliographical tools, primary and secondary sources that enable aspiring scholars to provide adequate historical and cultural contextualisation of the artefacts.

Fregio 4
What do you learn?

Master Degree graduates in Art History can carry out consultancy work for individuals, organisations and institutions (not only for strictly cultural purposes) in relation to their own training and in the fields covered by their studies. They can, therefore, act, in public or private contexts, as reference points for cultural policies and in the enhancement of their fields of study. During the course of studies they acquire the following professional skills:

  • expertise in the main art-history fields for the appropriate placing of works of art in space and time;
  • evaluation and contextualisation of artistic phenomena;
  • appropriate planning skills in the museum education field;
  • the ability to plan and manage internal and external (cultural and informative) communication in museums and cultural institutions focusing on cultural heritage.

Fregio 4
What can you do with it?

The course provides its graduates with the appropriate cultural tools to start professional careers in the fields of cultural mediation (dissemination, tourism, teaching), museum studies and curatorship, cultural management, the antiques market and as forensic experts, journalistic criticism and curatorial studies, editorial consultancy and digital cultural heritage communication.