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Aerospace Engineering

Fregio 10
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

The Master Degree Course in Aerospace Engineering provides theoretical knowledge and practical technical skills related the disciplines relevant to the Aerospace Engineer such as fluid-dynamics and propulsion, flight dynamics, science and technology of materials and structures, computational mechanics, aircraft and spacecraft technology and systems. Students will acquire the advanced knowledge necessary to identify, formulate, and solve complex and interdisciplinary problems related to several aspects of aeronautic and aerospace systems, and learn how to design and manage complex experiments relevant to the aerospace engineer.

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What do you learn?

The Master Degree Course, which awards a total of 120 ECTS, comprises the following subjects: 1) Characterizing subjects • Aerospace structures • Gas-dynamics • Aircraft and systems conceptual design • Automatic control • Aeronautical production technologies • Flight dynamics • Aerospace materials • Aerospace propulsion 2) Courses chosen by the student • Experimental stress analysis • Mobile and distributed robotics • Science and technology of composite materials for aerospace applications • Process design • Corrosion and protection of aerospace materials • Vibrations

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What can you do with it?

Our graduates are typically employed in aeronautical and aerospace companies, largely present both in the national and international context, and in all industries producing high-tech products. They may also find employment in universities and research centres, in public and private companies for experimentation and research in the aerospace sector, air transportation and traffic management, in the military air force and other military forces, and in all industries for the production of machines and equipment where aerodynamics and light structures are relevant.