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Biodiversity and Technological Innovation

Fregio 12
What is the objective of the course? What is it?
What does it train you for?

The specificity of the new Bachelor Degree Course in Biodiversity and Technological Innovation provides for the training of:

  • graduates with knowledge relating to the distribution of biodiversity and peculiarities in habitats capable of applying knowledge in terms of valorising natural capital on the basis of a circular, dynamic and sustainable long-term economy;
  • technicians capable of operating through Key Enabling Technologies (biotechnologies, artificial intelligence and digitization, technologies for life sciences) in the context of One Health with an integrated perspective on health and the living environment;
  • technicians able to correlate the loss of biodiversity with pollution, depletion of resources, degradation of ecosystems and climate change, caused by unsustainable production and consumption and able to develop protocols for ecological restoration.
Graduates can access various Master Degree Courses (e.g. LM-60, LM-75, LM-6 and all degrees in particular in the biological and geological fields as well as engineering contributing to the accurate training in the field of the environment and biodiversity aimed at the future development of basic and applied research, promotion of scientific and technological innovation, professional and project activity in areas related to environmental and biotechnological disciplines and safety in the biotechnology sector.

Fregio 12
What do you learn?

The Bachelor Degree Course aims to train operators capable of:

  • reading the biological complexity and the relationships between organisms to define tools to support biodiversity and ecosystem resilience in a One-health context that includes ecosystem and human health;
  • work to promote the economic, social and environmental value of biodiversity also thanks to circular economy and restoration economy processes;
  • apply genetic, molecular, modeling and techniques related to the dynamics of ecosystem functioning for the development of tools useful for the conservation of ecosystems as well as for a study in terms of transferability in the technological field of the knowledge acquired on biodiversity.
This foundational pathway will build on the link between functioning, ecosystem services, human well-being, biodiversity conservation and will address all issues surrounding biodiversity erosion and loss and destruction, and then it will develop basic skills for understanding the language of modern technologies, expressed in terms of Key Enabling Technologies (biotechnologies, artificial intelligence, technologies for life sciences) through which to study biodiversity and map distribution, value and peculiarities in habitats.

Fregio 12
What can you do with it?

Graduates will be able to access various Master Degree Courses (e.g. LM-60, LM-75, LM-6) and all Degrees in particular in the biological and geological fields as well as engineering for more accurate training in the field of the environment and biodiversity aimed at future performance of basic and applied research, promotion and development of scientific and technological innovation and safety in the biotechnological sector. Graduates will may also:

  • participate in intervention programs for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity through the design of new early warning technologies and the definition of tools to support biodiversity based on Key Enabling Technologies;
  • carry out collaboration activities with local administrations (public administrations, Arpa, Department, Ministries) and private companies aimed at environmental monitoring in its abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems;
  • join companies in the field of sustainable production and consumption, identifying the tools applied in the area that lead to economic savings, lower impacts and maintenance of ecosystem functions.
The course prepares for the profession of (ISTAT codes):
  • Planners, landscapers and land recovery and conservation specialists (;
  • Food preparation technicians (;
  • Environmental control technicians (