Spatial Planning
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Master Degree Course in Spatial Planning (SP) constitutes the higher professional level of the Planner's university education, in continuity with the Degree Course in Urban Design for the City in Transition or with access from other Degree Courses subject to verification of entry skills. The course in Spatial Planning trains planners who will be able to work in the city and in the field of the sustainable development of territories. There are various fields in which SP graduates will be able to work: from the definition of land uses to the conscious and sustainable use of natural resources, from the protection of the environment to the enhancement of landscapes, from infrastructural provisions to urban services. The transversal skills of SP graduates will be spent in different areas ranging from the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage to the protection of ecosystem balances, from urban regeneration to the design of the smart city. In short, one of the main objectives of the Master Degree Course in Spatial Planning is to respond to the current demands of the world of work, which calls for specific reference figures for the construction of strategies, policies and projects of urban and territorial transformation, acting as mediators between the political sphere, social dynamics and territorial realities. The teaching is offered entirely in English so as to offer the graduate further opportunities to enter the world of work in an international context.
Cosa si impara?
The course envisages that the students will gain as much experimental experience as possible with thematic workshops, lectures, seminars and meetings with experts and public administrators, internships in public offices, institutions and private companies that will enable them to grasp the various points of view on the transformation of the city and the territory, in economic and evaluative, social, environmental, landscape, infrastructural, historical and architectural and urban design terms. In particular, each year of the course offers a thematic planning workshop: the one in the first year focuses on urban values (Planning Studio I), the one in the second year on territorial values (Planning Studio II), while two more workshops are dedicated to the in-depth study of topics related to landscape design (Landscape design Studio) and to social geography and participatory practices in planning processes (Social geography and participatory practices Studio). In addition, the Master Degree Course in Spatial Planning provides for other disciplines oriented to deepening themes, methods and practices concerning Planning Theories, Geomatics, Urban and Regional Economics, Technological Design of Settlements, Landscape Ecology, as well as Energy Policies for the Territory and Sustainable Mobility Policies. The training programme provides the Master Degree graduate in SP with specific skills for carrying out management activities, coordinating and drawing up strategic environmental assessments and technical feasibility studies of urban and territorial plans and projects. Furthermore, the graduate will be able to direct and carry out complex and specialised analyses concerning cities, territories, landscapes and the environment and their reciprocal interrelationships, possessing exclusive skills in strategic environmental assessment (SEA). In 2019, the Degree Course received QR Certification - Quality Recognition from AESOP.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
Graduates are capable of managing, coordinating and elaborating evaluations and strategic environmental and technical feasibility studies on urban and territorial plans and projects. The privileged stakeholders SP students will interact with are public and private bodies operating in the field of urban and territorial transformation, infrastructure and transport, landscape and environment. This Master Degree also provides students with access to the state examinations for the Agrotechnician, Surveyor Graduate, Agricultural Expert and Industrial Expert professions.