Technics of Neurophysiopatology
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Bachelor Degree Course of Neurophysiopathology Techniques (hereinafter: NPT) aims to train health professionals skilled in neurophysiopathology techniques, relevant and indispensable investigation methodologies for the study and diagnosis of pathologies of the peripheral and central nervous system and also for therapeutic interventions (neurostimulation treatments) on an electrophysiological basis (electroencephalogram, electromioneurography, poligraphy, evoked potentials, transcranial magnetic and electrical stimulation, etc.). The TNFP Bachelor Degree Course prepares for the profession of Neurophysiopathology Technicians.
Cosa si impara?
The NPT Bachelor Degree program, through a wide and articulated training on basic and characterizing knowledge provided through frontal teaching and practical training activities, favors the acquisition of skills suitable for being able to perform in different clinical contexts (out-patients service, hospital wards, intensive care units, operating rooms) all evaluation and therapeutic techniques on an electrophysiological basis (electroencephalogram, electromioneurography, poligraphy, evoked potentials, reflex responses, magnetic and electrical transcranial stimulation) with the ability to independently draw up a technical report.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
The NPT carries out its professional activity in public health structures where the specific professional figure is present (hospitals, university clinics, specialistic outpatient facilities) or private-accredited or private as well as in industrial-commercial enterprises of production of neurophysiological equipment with the task of setting up, testing and checking the equipment in question. NPT graduates can also continue their studies for the achievement of the Master Degree Course in Sciences of the Technical Health Professions ̶ LM / SNT3.