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Public, Corporate and Advertising Communication

Fregio 4
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

This Master Degree Course in Public, Corporate and Advertising Communication aims to train professionals who join the employment market with high-level theoretical and methodological skills enabling them to create successful communication products and promotional campaigns. Course subjects are designed to acquire in-depth knowledge of communication management in companies, political institutions and local and national administrations, as well as in public bodies and non-profit organisations. Specific attention is paid to the field of advertising and the effective product communication creation process. To this end, the course provides students with the tools they need to create advertising campaigns, events and services for press and public relations purposes, in both graphic content and language.

Fregio 4
Cosa si impara?

This Master Degree programme aims to acquire knowledge relating to communication management in public, private and tertiary-sector organisations, advertising agencies, and the definition and management of companies’ corporate image. The course focuses on the core subjects and activities related to public and corporate communication and subjects relating to social, political, IT and language studies. During the course students are given the opportunity to acquire know-how crucial to their future professional role, through a 150-hour internship.

Fregio 4
Cosa si può fare dopo?

Occupational opportunities pertain to the management of the entire communication process in its various aspects, in both the public and private sectors, non-profit organisations and political and administrative institutions: from public relations to journalistic information in press offices, social media management to institutional communication, the coordination and editing of promotional texts to advertising campaign planning (working on words, slogans, data, images and virtual formats), from context analysis to the implementation of communication strategies aimed at a range of targets.