Prevention Health Professions Sciences
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The professional profile of Doctors in Prevention Health Professions Sciences, according to their advanced training path, is designed in order to provide the acquisition of skills in the fields of management, training and research processes in prevention activities, in collaboration with the other professional figures and health administration. Their activity is aimed at the planning, management and organization of preventive health intervention measures and assistance, guaranteeing a technical and qualified managerial approach. Through an interdisciplinary collaboration, they also guarantee the involvement of families and social groups for a greater awareness of the problems inherent in prevention. The training course allows students to obtain skills useful for planning training interventions adapted to European standards, through an optimization of the human, technological and information resources available to health facilities. Graduates in Prevention Health Professions Sciences can also manage updating and coordination activities of the internship in the basic training of the professional figures with whom they cooperate.
Cosa si impara?
Over the two years, professionals will have to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of health economics, organization and management of health services provided by personnel with technical health functions in the medical area; business organization; principles of public administrative and health law, management of human resources, culture of quality and safety within the company; health promotion in the target population of the service implemented through information, communication and social marketing plans; essential methodological elements of epidemiology; legislation related to safety in the workplace pursuant to law 81/2008; use and promotion of research methods and tools; use of the most common IT systems used in the Public Administration.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
The achievement of the Master Degree Course in Prevention Health Professions Sciences guarantees access to the managerial role, in the public and private sector, as well as a role in university teaching, coordination of university courses and research. Public activities can be carried out within structures of the National Health System (hospitals and/or local health agencies and/or regional environmental protection agencies, regional health departments), at the Departments of Prevention, regional agencies for Environmental (ARPA) and their territorial services. Private activities can be carried out as employees or freelancers in the specific sectors of prevention in workplaces and healthcare.