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Fregio 10
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

The Master Degree Course has the dual objective of completing and developing the student’s basic preparation in Physics and preparing Master Degree graduates for their entry into the job and research markets. The Master Degree Course in Physics in particular aims to provide the student with:

  •  the knowledge and ability to enter the world of research, knowledge that can subsequently be developed in PhD courses;
  •  the ability to promote and develop scientific and technological innovation, to manage technologies in areas related to physical disciplines in the sectors of industry, the environment, health, cultural heritage, and public administration.

Fregio 10
Cosa si impara?

The Master Degree Course is structured in compulsory courses, which aim to complete the basic physics preparation, and optional courses aimed at providing graduates with specific skills in one of the following fields of physics; astrophysics, biophysics, physics of materials, physics of complex systems, theoretical physics. The courses take place in the two semesters of the first year and the first semester of the second year. Instead, in the second period of the second year the student prepares their Master's degree thesis, addressing original research problems in one of the research groups of the Department of Physics and Chemistry or even at universities or research institutions abroad.

Fregio 10
Cosa si può fare dopo?

The main areas of employment are:

  •  scientific research at universities and research institutions;
  •  the development and management of instrumentation and laboratories in various sectors of industry (microelectronics, optoelectronics, telecommunications, information technology, space, biomedical, optics), the environment, health, cultural heritage and public administration;
  • the creation and use of complex reality models in the financial and socio-economic fields;
  • teaching and dissemination of scientific culture with particular reference to the various theoretical, experimental and applicative aspects of classical and modern physics.