Orthoptics and Ophthalmological Assistance
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
This Bachelor Degree Course in orthoptics aims to train orthoptist-ophthalmology assistants. The Bachelor Degree Course’s educational modules are designed to give students an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents, as well specific professional knowledge in the area of science orthotics.
Cosa si impara?
The Bachelor Degree Course’s educational modules are designed to give students an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents and specific professional knowledge in science orthotics. These activities include both in their core aspects and through disciplines characterising in relation to the specific objectives of the degree course, teachings and activities in the field of preparatory, biological and psychological sciences, orthoptics and ophthalmology, medical-surgical assistance, prevention and health services, clinical interdisciplinary, health management, interdisciplinary, human and psycho-pedagogical sciences.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
Orthoptists treat motor and sensory vision disorders and perform clinical-instrumental semeiology technique ophthalmology. They are responsible for the evaluation and rehabilitation of strabismus and amblyopia. They assist ophthalmologists in the diagnostics and surgical correction fields. They can work in territorial health units or hospitals, private or accredited nursing homes, private eye doctors' studios or as consultants, ONLUS operating regionally and nationally. They can work as freelance professionals independently of competences. An Orthoptics degree gives graduates access to the specialist degree in Rehabilitation Sciences in the Health Professions course.