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Natural and Environmental Sciences

Fregio 12
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

The educational program of the Bachelor Degree Course aims at providing the scientific and methodological bases required to obtain a solid knowledge for a systemic approach to the world of nature, in the sense of its biotic and abiotic components, their relations, and historical development. The Bachelor Degree program provides two educational paths, the first of which is aimed at developing skills in the natural sciences sector, especially through an in-depth focus on the "biological disciplines", and the second at providing knowledge and skills in the field of environmental sciences by focusing on the "agricultural, chemical, physical, juridical, economic and contextual disciplines". It is a course organized into semesters and includes eighteen courses for a total number of 180 ECTS, aimed at those who want to make knowledge, protection, enhancement and management of nature and the environment the focus of their professional opportunities. The Bachelor Degree Course prepares students for the following professions:

  • environmental control technicians;
  • food preparation technicians;
  • food production technicians.

Fregio 12
Cosa si impara?

Through lectures, exercises and numerous on field activities, the graduate receives a solid basic preparation, acquires familiarity with the methods of collecting and processing environmental data. Furthermore, graduates in Natural and Environmental Science will be able to carry out sampling, analyse the data obtained with the appropriate statistical tools, evaluate their effects also at an economic and legal regulation level in order to support public and private research centres. The Bachelor Degree Course provides the scientific and methodological bases needed to carry out professional activities in the various sectors of natural and environmental sciences and to collaborate with other professional workers in the public administration. Finally, they will also be able to effectively use, in written and oral form, at least one European Union language, within the specific area of competence The course includes:

  • basic courses (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics);
  • characterizing courses that provide the fundamental notions in the fields of Life and Earth Sciences integrated with courses of environmental, ecological and juridical-economic areas.
Numerous multidisciplinary excursions, internships, field and laboratory activities, training internships in companies, public administration structures, laboratories and other activities with the world of employment are planned, as well as study stays at other Italian and European universities, also under national and international agreements.

Fregio 12
Cosa si può fare dopo?

At the University of Palermo with this qualification, you can access the following naturalistic / environmental Master Degree Courses: Natural Sciences, Environmental Analysis and Management, Marine Biology, as they recognize the acquired 180 ECTS. Graduates can find employment at:

  • Museums, Botanical Gardens and Herbariums;
  • Entities responsible for planning and management natural resources and for conservation and dissemination of natural and cultural heritage (Central Public Administrations, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, Cultural Heritage, Infrastructures, Universities and Scientific and Technological Research; Regions, Provinces, Municipalities and ARPA; private sector);
  • Public and private social and health structures and professional organizations engaged in environmental control and monitoring activities, remediation of contaminated sites, formulation of protocols for environmental and quality certification, control of disposal and treatment of special and toxic Urban Solid Waste, preparation of multimedia systems communication and environmental information;
  • Due to the particular diversification of the courses in the naturalistic and environmental fields, graduates will acquire a great propensity towards teaching life sciences in secondary schools.
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