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Fregio 3
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

Graduates in the Obstetric health profession must acquire the skills required by the specific professional profile. The achievement of professional skills will be implemented and completed also through practical training and a clinical internship, coordinated by a teacher at the highest educational level required for the professional profile and corresponding to the standards defined at European level; this practical training, in the three years of the course, will have particular importance and will be an integral and qualifying part of the professional training. The cultural and behavioural skills achieved in the training context of the specific profile will ensure, at the end of the training course, full mastery of the skills achieved and their immediate use in the workplace.

Fregio 3
Cosa si impara?

The Bachelor Degree Course will give Midwifery graduates an adequate preparation in the basic disciplines, allow them both to gain a better understanding of the most relevant elements, relating to gender, which are at the basis of the physiological and pathological processes to which their preventive and therapeutic intervention is addressed and the maximum integration with the other professions.

Fregio 3
Cosa si può fare dopo?

They can work in health facilities, in the public or private sectors, both as employees and freelancers, and in particular to:

  • assist and advise women in the period of pregnancy, during childbirth and in the puerperium;
  • conduct and complete eutocic deliveries under their own responsibility, and provide assistance to the newborn;
  • participate in health and sexual education interventions both within the family and in the community;
  • participate in the psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth;
  • participate in the preparation and assistance for gynecological interventions;
  • participate in the prevention and detection of cancers of the female genital sphere;
  • participate in mother and baby care programs;
  • manage, as members of the health team, in compliance with professional ethics, care intervention within their competence;
  • contribute to the training of support staff and directly contribute to the updating of their professional profile and of research;
  • identify potentially pathological situations that require medical intervention and implement emergency measures, where necessary.