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Mechanical Engineering

Fregio 10
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

The Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree Course trains a professional with specific skills in the industrial engineering field. Starting with a solid basic multidisciplinary training with knowledge of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, the course provides general skills in all mechanical engineering fields: materials, production technologies, machine design, fluid dynamics, thermal and fluid machines, industrial plants, machines and systems, mechanical technology, etc. These specific skills are followed by in-depth studies in the qualifying Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SDSs) typical of mechanical engineering; in this context, elective courses may be chosen among those provided by other Degree Courses to integrate their training independently, according to their interests and attitudes. Specific subjects are also dedicated to SDSs typical of aerospace engineering. Such skills will allow the student to apply for a Master Degree or easily find a job.

Fregio 10
Cosa si impara?

The Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree Course intends to provide:

  • a basic level of knowledge of chemical-physical processes as well as mathematical and informatics tools for engineering applications;
  • a good level of knowledge of techniques and methodologies used in the industrial engineering field;
  • a good level of knowledge in specific mechanical engineering areas: materials, design methods, fluid and heat machines, production technologies, industrial equipment and related technical services;
  • ability to work independently or to interface with interdisciplinary working groups.

Fregio 10
Cosa si può fare dopo?

The Bachelor Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering, aimed at training a junior mechanical engineer, will enable graduates to continue their studies or to integrate quickly into the workplace with excellent career opportunities. These opportunities are due to acquired capacity to adapt to various professional context and continuously upgrade their skills. Graduates in Mechanical Engineering will find a wide range of employment opportunities, with various functions, mainly in:

  • companies that design, produce and maintain mechanical components
  • manufacturing, automotive, naval and aeronautic companies;
  • companies for energy conversion;
  • service and industrial consulting companies;
  • public authorities (with technical tasks).