Lifespan Psychology
- Lisbona (PT)
- Oviedo (ES)
- Varsavia (PL)
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Master Degree Course is designed for students interested in expanding their knowledge of the psychological processes underlying typical and atypical development through the lifespan. The course is also aimed at preparing students to plan and carry out research and intervention programs in order to foster psychological well-being and social inclusion, as well as to prevent the onset of behavioral problems and psychological disorders in different contexts (e.g., school, family, neighbourhood). Moreover, the course is focused not only on the assessment and treatment of individual and relational difficulties, but also on training programs for educators, caregivers, teachers, and social workers.
Cosa si impara?
The Master Degree program provides students with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to stimulate positive development through the lifespan. In this framework, the program is focused on subjects like typical and atypical psychological functioning of individuals and families, psychopathology, assessment, data analysis methods. The program is also dedicated to designing research and intervention programs, using assessment tests, performing clinical interviews, preventing and treating behavioural problems and learning disabilities. Finally, the program allows students to develop the specific professional skills needed to act autonomously and responsibly in working environments.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
The Master Degree Course includes the qualification for the profession of psychologist. The graduates can be employed:
- public and private organizations providing psychological and educational services to individuals, groups and communities;
- schools (i.e., training of teachers, promotion of students’ competences);
- public and private research institutions (performing empirical surveys);
- socio-educational, therapeutic, reception, recovery and rehabilitation communities;
- healthcare institutions;
- training institutions;
- freelance professionals (i.e., psychotherapy after Psychotherapy Training).