- Amburgo (DE)
- Bordeaux (FR)
- Bristol (GB)
- Friburgo (DE)
- Liegi (BE)
- Lille (FR)
- Lleida (ES)
- Londra (GB)
- Magonza (DE)
- Tours (FR)
- Varsavia (PL)
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Bachelor Degree Course aims to train students to read and interpret a wide range of texts, primarily literary but not only, using linguistic, philological and historical-literary methods and according to a correct historical-critical perspective. Its objective is to provide the student with a solid basic training in the fundamental humanistic disciplines (literary, linguistic, historical and geographical), to be used in view of an eventual continuation of studies in Master Degree Courses or in professions that require the specific competence acquired by the graduate in the humanistic field.
Cosa si impara?
The Bachelor Degree program offers two curricula, steering students to two specific fields of study: Classic and Modern. Many subjects are common to both curricula: for example, linguistics, Italian literature, Latin literature, geography and the fundamental problems of history from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age. While the classical curriculum focuses on ancient literature (Greek and Latin), history, and archaeology, the modern curriculum emphasizes areas of study from the Middle Ages to contemporary times. In addition to the core course units in each of the above areas, students may choose from a range of elective subjects in the second and third years, to build more specific profiles, also with a view to initiating Master Degree studies. The three year program is designed to allow literature graduates to meet all the requirements of the subsequent Master Degree programs in more specific subject fields.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
Our graduates are prepared to continue studies to 2nd cycle level and can enrol in several Master Degree Courses: for instance Italian studies, Philosophical and historical sciences, Classic studies. They will comply with the necessary requirements published in the Calls or Application of each Master Degree Program. They may also pursue work in some professional fields that require a solid preparation in the humanities, particularly those in which a strong command of the syntax and grammar of the Italian language is required, using linguistic forms and styles for oral and written communication: for instance cultural services (libraries and archives), publishing (editing and translation of texts), information (as a journalist in the cultural sector), and advertising (as a copywriter).