Electrical Engineering
- Barcellona (ES)
- Lisbona (PT)
- Pardubice (CZ)
- Politecnico di Breslavia (PL)
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Master Degree Course aims to train engineers with specific skills oriented to the design, construction, and management of generating plants (including from renewable energy sources), transmission and distribution systems, electricity consumption nodes, and to the related economic, regulatory and safety implications, to operate in all those sectors in which electricity represents a relevant aspect (electric mobility, smart grid, etc.). Graduates will be able to interpret, identify, formulate, and solve complex problems, also in an innovative way and with an interdisciplinary approach; they will be able to conceive, design and manage complex and/or innovative systems, processes, and services.
Cosa si impara?
The training course includes teachings that further study the conceptual, methodological and design aspects of the sectors characterizing the field of electrical engineering (Electrotechnics, Electric Power Systems, Power Converters, Machines and Electrical Drives, Electrical and Electronic Measurements), using the necessary supplementary supports provided by other disciplinary fields (Electronics, Automation, Telecommunications, etc.). The training is complemented by business-economic and market concepts. The training course includes lectures, theoretical/practical and laboratory exercises, seminars, technical visits, company internships.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
There are numerous job opportunities for an electrical engineer: freelance activity as a professional engineer; researcher in public or private research institutes; teacher at training centres; designer / technical director / officer / manager in technical offices of the Public Administration (local authorities, INAIL, ASP, ARPA, GSE, ARERA, Fire Brigade, etc.) or of private companies operating in the sectors of production, transmission, distribution, sales and use of electricity, renewable sources, e-mobility, smart grids, the construction of components, equipment, power converters and electric drives.