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Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

Fregio 3
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

The aim of this course is to train healthcare professionals in the technical-diagnostic area to enable them to acquire theoretical preparation and effective practical experience with the behavioural skills required to work in a team and for immediate entry into the job market. Knowledge of the core disciplines gives Biomedical Laboratory Technicians (BLT) an understanding of the elements underlying the major human pathological processes. Graduate BLTs will have acquired the ability to:

  • perform technical services independently, demonstrating an ability to work in a team with other professionals;
  • manage laboratory equipment and perform the predefined scientific analysis methods necessary to produce reliable and top quality results;
  • assess the correspondence between the services provided and indicators and reference standards;
  • manage the biological/chemical risk;
  • provide information on how to collect, transport and store biological materials;
  • participate in work planning and organisation

Fregio 3
Cosa si impara?

Theoretical lectures cover several thematic areas:

  • Core sciences: chemistry, biology, biochemistry, physics, statistics, physiology, microbiology, pathology;
  • Laboratory medicine sciences: clinical biochemistry, clinical microbiology, clinical pathology, pathological anatomy;
  • Biomedical laboratory techniques: technical laboratory medicine sciences, clinical molecular medicine, informatics, molecular pathology;
  • Clinical sciences: endocrinology, internal medicine, gastroenterology;
  • Prevention and safety in laboratories: occupational medicine, imaging diagnostics and radiotherapy;
  • Health management: ethics and history of medicine, psychology, business organisation.
Qualifying training activities take place in the diagnostic laboratories of public hospitals under the supervision of expert tutors, and in research laboratories. At the end of the course, BLTs sit a final qualifying test for the profession of Biomedical Laboratory Technician.

Fregio 3
Cosa si può fare dopo?

Biomedical Laboratory Technicians (BLT) work in national health service hospitals and non-hospital laboratories. They also work in similar private/affiliated facilities, in the Experimental Zooprophylactic Disease Institutes (IZS) and also freelance. Specifically, they can work in:

  • clinical diagnostic laboratories: biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, pathological anatomy, drug-toxicology, immunology, haematology, transfusion services;
  • quality control laboratories in the biomedical field and the pharmaceutical industry;
  • Regional environmental prevention and protection agency analysis and control laboratories;
  • manufacturing industries and laboratory diagnostics sector marketing agencies;
  • university and non-university research biomedical sector laboratories.
Furthermore, BLT graduates can continue their studies in a Master degree, I and II level master’s and Ph.Ds.