Biomedical Engineering
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Master Degree Course of Science in Biomedical Engineering aims to train a professional figure able to use the methodologies and technologies in order to understand, formalize and solve problems of medical-biological interest, through a close collaboration of the specialists of the various sectors involved. The course provides a complete preparation mainly centered on the ability to design devices, materials, equipment and instrumentation for diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative use, biomechanical modeling and biomedical signals, regenerative medicine technologies and tissue engineering.
Cosa si impara?
The Master Degree Course includes common university courses aimed at providing a solid and complete preparation in the biomedical field and more specific teachings in three different curricula. In particular, for the field of Biomechanics, some aspects of biomechanics of biological tissues and medical robotics will be studied; in the "Biomedical Information Technologies" curriculum, aspects of electronics, internet-of-things and robotics for biomedical applications. Finally, for the "Biomaterials for regenerative medicine" curriculum, aspects concerning biomaterials together with their biocompatibility and biodegradation will be studied.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
Graduates in Biomedical Engineering will be able to work both in the free profession, in industries, hospitals, healthcare facilities and specialized clinical laboratories, and in research. Graduates will be able to work in the design and / or production of biomaterials (curriculum Biomaterials for regenerative medicine), to use biomedical devices, systems and equipment for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation (Curriculum Biomedical Information Technologies), or to use methodologies and tools to describe the behavior of biomechanical, bio-artificial, biological structures and components (curriculum Biomechanics).