Biodiversity and Environmental Biology
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Master Degree Course complements the training in biological disciplines acquired through the three-year degree in Biological Sciences and other courses related to naturalistic and environmental themes, consolidating knowledge and professional skills concerning the protection, enhancement, and management of biological resources and natural systems. The objective is to train experts with advanced scientific and technical preparation on the animal and plant biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, with particular reference to the analysis and evaluation of biological and anthropic phenomena influencing such diversity. This includes regulating ecological interactions and dynamic responses of organisms in relation to the characteristics and quality of the environment, determining the functionality of natural ecosystems and sustainable management of biological resources.
Cosa si impara?
The educational path entails enhancing training in zoology and botany from a taxonomic, phylogenetic, and biomolecular perspective. It involves deepening the study of biological evolution mechanisms, investigating and interpreting interactions between organisms and the environment, considering structural and functional adaptations, reproductive and developmental processes, behavioral aspects, conservation issues, and anthropogenic impacts. Additionally, it covers the study of applied molecular biology techniques, examination of bioactive molecules and related pharmacological and toxicological aspects and understanding the latest methods of analysis and techniques for data acquisition and evaluation. This includes species characterization, quantitative monitoring of biodiversity, environmental biomonitoring, as well as acquiring teaching methods for biology education in schools.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
Graduates in Biodiversity and Environmental Biology will be eligible to practice as Botanists, Zoologists, Biologists, and Ecologists. They can also register with the National Order of Biologists (section A) upon passing the State Examination. Employment opportunities include both dependent employment and freelance work in various sectors such as:
- Public and private institutions involved in the characterization and valorization of biological resources, environmental biomonitoring, risk and environmental impact assessment, biodiversity conservation, environmental improvement and restoration, and biological control.
- Laboratories and companies specializing in the identification of animal and plant species for applications in various production sectors.
- Natural history museums, botanical gardens, zoological gardens, park and nature reserve management agencies, botanical gardens, germplasm banks for the management and valorization of biological collections, and for activities related to nature promotion, environmental education, and ecotourism.
- Publishing for naturalistic dissemination and scientific communication.
- Secondary schools (both lower and upper secondary levels) according to current regulations (teaching, teacher training, environmental education projects).