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Engineering and Innovative Technologies for the Environment

Fregio 10
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

The role of this course in Engineering and Innovative Technologies for the Environment is to identify, resolve and prevent the main environmental problems by applying sustainable solutions. The objective of the course is to train professionals with specific skills in environmental process, plants and work and the use of innovative technologies for the purposes of monitoring and safeguarding the environment in three specialisations:

  • environmental protection and regeneration;
  • water resources and hydrogeological risk;
  • environmental sustainability in industrial processes.

Fregio 10
Cosa si impara?

This Master Degree Course varies according to specialisation chosen: option one trains graduates in waste water treatment and waste management; option two in climate change mitigation, water resource management and coastline defence; option three in the use of alternative and renewable energy sources, industrial safety and atmospheric pollutant dispersion modelling, etc. Learning takes the form of front-of-class lessons, practical exercise and laboratory work, thematic seminars and technical visits.

Fregio 10
Cosa si può fare dopo?

  • Public and private research centres focusing on the analysis and monitoring of the natural environment, environmental risk evaluation, environmental conservation and recovery, biological control;
  • Laboratories and firms researching animal and plant species useful in various production sector applications;
  • Lower and upper secondary school teaching in accordance with current legislation;
  • Freelance work with preferential access to botanical gardens, natural science museums, park management bodies, historic and tourist gardens;
  • Scientific education publishing.