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Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development

Fregio 10
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

The role of an environmental engineer is to identify, resolve and avert the main environmental problems by applying sustainable solutions. The objective of this Bachelor Degree Course in Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development is to train professionals with specific and highly innovative skills in environmentally relevant processes, plants and works. Specifically this course trains graduates to develop strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change, manage scarce water resources, treat waste water, manage waste, use alternative and renewable energy sources, design soil defence action and use innovative technologies to monitor and safeguard the environment. The educational goals of this Bachelor Degree Course in Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development are the identification of environmental problems and their resolution in structural and non-structural action. Specifically graduates will be capable of:

  • analysing and interpreting environmental data;
  • using innovative techniques and tools for environmental regeneration;
  • identifying local risk areas;
  • assessing projects’ environmental compatibility including in sustainability terms in relation to current norms and climate change mitigation considerations.

Fregio 10
Cosa si impara?

Environmental engineers study the subject matter common to all engineering Degrees together with certain subjects designed to assist them in their future professional needs. Graduate training is achieved via suitable knowledge of science fundamentals (maths, physics and chemistry) and engineering (theoretical and applied) with specific reference to those relevant to the environment and soil protection: hydraulics, hydrology, environmental health engineering, technical-environmental physics, ecology, geomatics, geotechnics, etc. In general the course’s main subject matter relates to themes revolving around environment safeguards and regeneration and soil protection. Student learning takes place through participation in educational activities made up of front-of-class lessons, practical exercises and workshop activities supplemented with themed seminars and technical visits.

Fregio 10
Cosa si può fare dopo?

The multidisciplinary nature of the course means that graduates in Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development  are highly versatile. Environmental engineers are currently much sought after by both firms and local authorities which are increasing turning towards green economy and sustainable resource management. These new trends are bound up with an increasingly structured production legal framework linked to hydrogeological risk, soil protection, waste disposal, water resource management and monitoring, environmental regeneration and eco-sustainable urban building. These are the norms which have fostered the emergence of Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development  experts, professionals to turn to for advice and opinions and the design and implementation of engineering work in harmony with existing legislation. Career openings are as follows: firms, public and private bodies and professional studios working in design, planning, creation and management of work and systems with which to control and monitor the environment and territory, protect the soil, ensure industrial safety, environmental regeneration, water treatment, waste management and recycling, use of raw materials and environmental, geological and energy resources, environmental impact and compatibility assessments on plans and work.