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Fregio 7
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

The Master Degree Course in Italianistics aims to provide an in-depth disciplinary preparation and adequate tools to train experts in Italian culture, language and literature. The course is structured in order to allow students to consolidate and expand their knowledge, improving their philology, linguistic, and historical-literary skills, using the most updated instruments of scientific research. At the end of course, students will have the necessary critical orientation skills in historical-literary phenomena and in the analysis of texts; they will have acquired strong skills in the communicative practice of writing and orality, and they will be able to produce and manage oral texts and professional writings in the field of Italian Linguistics and Literature.

Fregio 7
Cosa si impara?

Graduates in Italianistics learn to perform research and studies on the origin, evolution and structure of languages, the relationships between ancient languages and modern languages, grammars and vocabulary. They can apply their knowledge of linguistics to the critical revision of written texts for publication, audiovisual and multimedia texts. Graduates will be able to combine the knowledge provided by their subject field (LM-14) with new knowledge, in constant dialogue with other disciplines and with the use of new technologies. The program of the course also aims to provide theoretical, critical and methodological competencies to train graduates able to operate in national and international cultural environments. They acquire notions of didactics functional to teaching and gain their first professional experience through the internship.

Fregio 7
Cosa si può fare dopo?

The Master Degree Course aims to provide the appropriate skills for preparing students in the fields of research, teaching, organization and management of cultural events, or publishing and libraries.