Disciplines of Music and Performing Arts
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Bachelor Degree Course of study aims to provide a solid basic preparation on theoretical debate, production and mediation in the field of literature, visual arts, music, theatre practices and cinematographic and multimedia entertainment in the contemporary world. To this end, the thematic study of the different languages ​​and forms of artistic production and fruition in the contemporary world will concern the debate relating to contemporary Italian literary production, the theoretical debate and twentieth-century and contemporary production in the field of visual arts, entertainment and theatrical culture, modern and contemporary musical culture and its basic technical instrumentation and historical articulation, cinema and multimedia production; this thematic elaboration is flanked by the elaboration of adequate hermeneutical tools, on the basis of the intention that the reference to 'contemporaneity' certainly does not constitute an abstract and ultimately asphyxiated chronological limitation, but rather the way in which, from time to time, our present organizes the production, the mediation and the theoretical and critical debate on artistic practices; and this both from the technical point of view, from that of technological, design-planning mediation, from that of the elaboration of different languages, methods and disciplinary codes and the definition of these areas, as well as from the point of view of theoretical, imaginative values.
Cosa si impara?
In this direction, a strategic function is also recognized in the study of the imaginary and cultural representations in their historical development, due to the reformulations which that thematic and methodical heritage gives place from time to time. To achieve the aforementioned purposes, a significant theoretical investment is also made in the field of aesthetics and theory of the arts, of the theory of language and semiotics of the arts, of economic and social history, of sociological studies. On this basis, the course of study articulates a system shared by all the areas of expertise which, together with the basic ministerial requirements, will include the very foundations of artistic reflection, with particular reference to the strong characterization ensured by computer knowledge and architectural design and theoretical, critical and methodological skills. The course is divided into four curricula, which associate specific curricular skills in the fields of visual arts and history of art, music, theatre, cinema and multimedia, and finally in the field of acting and multimedia.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
The ideal continuation of the studies undertaken in the three-year DAMS Degree are the Master Degree Courses in Musicology and Performing Sciences and in History of Art, as well as the other Master Degree Courses and advanced courses in the artistic, performative and management fields.