- Bonn (DE)
- Braunschweig (DE)
- Breslavia (PL)
- Craiova (RO)
- La Coruña (ES)
- Pau (FR)
- Salonicco (GR)
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Master Degree Course in Chemistry is a two-year programme accessible to students possessing a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry or any other degree provided that 60 credits have been acquired in the following fi elds: Maths and Physics (12), General and Inorganic Chemistry (12), Organic Chemistry (12), Physical Chemistry (12) and Analytical Chemistry (12). The types of knowledge and skills that the student will acquire through the Chemistry Master Degree programme include thorough knowledge of research-related topics in the main four chemical disciplines (Inorganic, Physical/Theoretical, Organic, and Analytical Chemistry) and a good level of independence to work as a researcher in an academic or industrial laboratory. The Master Degree Course in Chemistry includes 190 hours of laboratory experience, 75 hours of professional traineeship and 850 hours of experimental thesis development in a research lab. At the end of the programme the Chemistry Master Degree graduate can access the state exam to become a senior professional chemist and register with the Professional Order of Chemists, access PhD programmes in scientifi c or technological fi elds or be employed by the public or private sector entities in areas where chemical competence is needed.
Cosa si impara?
Master Degree Course in Chemistry students will learn about the most advanced concepts and techniques required to study and resolve complex problems in the various fi elds of chemistry. Apart from mandatory courses such as Theoretical Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Spectroscopy, and Advanced Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, the program can be arranged with fl exible personalized curricula studiorum where the student can choose from optional courses including Green Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching Methodologies. Additionally, through practice sessions in research laboratories, Master Degree Course in Chemistry students will benefi t from an extensive training-by-doing program during which they will solve problems of real research.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
Master Degree graduates in Chemistry can find employment as:
- Chemical researcher in the industrial field;
- Self-employed professional chemist;
- Senior Chemical Staff in public or private laboratories;
- Academic researchers (requires PhD);
- Research manager in industrial R&D facilities;
- Junior-high and High-school teacher of scientific courses.