Forestry and Environmental Sciences
- Akademija (LT)
- Atene (GR)
- Brno (CZ)
- Budapest (HU)
- Cartagena (ES)
- Ciudad Real (ES)
- Coblenza (DE)
- Cordoba (ES)
- Cracovia (PL)
- Leida (NL)
- Madrid (ES)
- Salonicco (GR)
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
This Bachelor Degree Course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of the forestry and pre-forestry systems, and their wood and non-wood ecosystem services. Forests are: fundamental actors for the protection of the environment against hydrogeological instability, a basin of biodiversity and a defence against climate change. Graduates will be able to perform out-forest measurements and qualitative-quantitative analyses on forest stands. They will acquire the knowledge of forestry and economic valuation required to carry out professional activities such as planning and management of forests, protected areas, valuating forest goods and services. For graduation students must acquire 180 credits in 19 compulsory exams (8 ECTS each), pass a foreign language test, take a selection of activities (12 ECTS) also including English courses and an internship (3 ECTS) for vocational activities useful for insertion in the world of work. The 25% of front-of-class teaching consists of laboratory activities, practical exercises, and field activities. After graduation, students obtain a Bachelor Degree in Forestry and Environmental Sciences and, after sitting an examination, can enrol on section B (Junior Forest Doctor) of the Italian professional Order of Agronomists and Foresters.
Cosa si impara?
Students acquire a knowledge of mathematics, chemistry and plant biology as a base from which to understand the morphology, anatomy and physiology of plants. From this basis they will be taught the taxonomy, diagnosis of the main plant diseases and the possible defences against them, for economic-estimation with specific reference to forest systems. Moreover courses cover cartography, the area of machines used and the risk factors in their use, hydraulic-forestry assets and the erosion and conservation of soils. The Forestry specific items include Forest ecology, Silviculture, Forest Mensuration, Forest Planning and Management and Forest Mechanisation. Graduates will be able to address, resolve and manage the following aspects within the forestry and pre-forestry system:
- sustainable management and enhancement of forest and environmental heritage; Forests and environmental assessments; Defence of the woods and the environment from biotic and abiotic adversities;
- defence of the territory through hydraulic-forestry arrangements;
- policies and programmes funded by the European Union for the use of economic resources for the environment and forest habitat.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
The natural progression of studies continues with our Master Degree Courses in Agroengineering and Forestry Sciences and Technologies. In terms of job opportunities, the Course Study Council, with placement actions such as curricular and extra-curricular internships, provides for:
- the organization of events dedicated to work - green job days;
- the organization of seminars and meetings with the world of work and the stipulation of agreements with public and private entities;
- the inclusion of graduates in the labour market.
- Start up: a way to conquer the market;
- Entrepreneurship: to manage companies operating in mountain, forest and pre-forest territory,
- Consultancy and planning: to improve business performance and develop green paths;
- Public and private institutions: to take care of safeguarding and protecting the territory and enhancing natural resources;
- Implementation of EU programs: to help improve the quality of the environment in rural and forest areas;
- Public administrations: at the service of the community;
- NGO: serving the environment;
- professionals: also in multidisciplinary work teams.