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Fregio 3
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?

Graduates in Dietetics organize and coordinate specific activities related to nutrition and dietetics, collaborate with the organizations responsible for health protection and the hygienic aspect of the nutrition service; process, formulate and implement diets prescribed by doctors and verify patients’ acceptance of these, collaborate with other specialists in the multidisciplinary treatment of eating disorders, study and elaborate the composition of food rations capable of satisfying the nutritional needs of population groups and plan the organization of nourishment services for healthy and sick communities, carry out didactic-educational and information activities aimed at spreading the principles of proper nutrition to allow the recovery and maintenance of a good condition of health in the individual, communities and population groups; carry out their professional activity in health facilities, in the public or private sector, as employees or freelancers.

Fregio 3
Cosa si impara?

The student will have the opportunity to fully verify and understand the relevance and centrality of the dietitian's role within a healthcare staff. The function of Dietetics is interpreted in view of the most recent scientific acquisitions of a medical order as well as the social developments recorded in recent years. The Mediterranean Diet, in particular, will be the leitmotif of the three years of the course. Some teachings (cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, dietary technical sciences, oncology) are articulated with the aim of better addressing the complex issue of diet-obesity-diabetes-hepatic steatosis-cardiovascular diseases-tumours, all conditions that are considerably widespread today and whose treatment provides an increasingly central role for the Dietitian. The man-food relationship is not only technical and its understanding also produces favourable effects in the approach to the patient. Nutritional issues and humanistic and sociological aspects will also be addressed in relation to the woman-child unity and the adolescent world. The teachings of the course also contribute to the training objective of the Dietitian who will increasingly relate to a multi-ethnic social context. The Dietitian will therefore not only be expected to make use of a variety of technical knowledge, but also of adequate communication methods.

Fregio 3
Cosa si può fare dopo?

Graduates in Dietetics can carry out their professional activity in public or private health facilities and services, as employees or freelancers. they can play a dietary-nutritional consultancy role in the context of public or private health institutions, in the field of collective and individual catering services. The professional contribution of the graduate in Dietetics is also required by companies operating in the agro-food chain. Recently, the Dietitian has also been in demands from companies that deal, at different levels, with thermal and aesthetic medicine. In summary, the Dietitian can find employment opportunities in the following areas:

  • Public Health Sector (Hospitals and Health Trusts);
  • Private Health Sector (Nursing homes and outpatient clinics, freelance work);
  • Freelance work in associated medical practices;
  • Catering companies;
  • Food companies.
  • Dietitians can continue their studies to obtain a Master Degree or a 1st level Master.