Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering
- Barcellona (ES)
- Chengdu (CN)
- Iași (RO)
- Koszalin (PL)
- Pireo (GR)
- Siviglia (ES)
- Tolosa (FR)
- Ulma (DE)
- Valencia (ES)
- Valladolid (ES)
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Master Degree Course aims to train professionals with specific skills in the design, management and optimization of distributed electronic systems, telecommunications networks, and related services, especially with regard to emerging cellular networks and the Internet of Things. The course is taught entirely in English and is organized in on-line mode, following the most established models for distance learning, with the integration of didactic lessons (content prepared by teachers for use in asynchronous mode) and interactive lessons (with guided interactions with teachers / tutors and students).
Cosa si impara?
The training course provides:
- advanced skills in Electronics (design of programmable electronic systems, electronic circuits for radio frequency applications, instrumentation and measurements, numerical processing and transmission systems);
- skills for modern telecommunications systems (from fiber optics, to 5G/6G networks, to new communication bands from microwaves to TeraHertz);
- skills in network systems and services, with particular attention to protocols and security for IoT systems. Internship activities are offered through appropriate agreements with interested companies.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
Graduates can find jobs in public and private companies in ICT, industrial and manufacturing services, research and higher education institutions. Typical careers include: companies producing electronic products and equipment; manufacturing and service companies using electronic technologies and network infrastructures; fixed and mobile network operators; companies operating in the telematics and multimedia network sectors, e.g. Internet services, telemedicine and remote surveillance; public and private companies providing terrestrial or space telecommunications services; public administrations; national and international scientific and technological research bodies; regulatory and control bodies.