Physical Sciences
- Aveiro (PT)
- Barcellona (ES)
- Breslavia (PL)
- Essen (DE)
- Friburgo (CH)
- Iași (RO)
- Oviedo (ES)
- Palma di Maiorca (ES)
- Patrasso (GR)
- Saragozza (ES)
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
The Bachelor Degree Course has a 3-year duration (180 CFU) and provides a solid basic training in classical and modern physics. The training affords access to work activities that require a scientific method and the ability to use innovative methodologies and complex equipment. The student will acquire:
- the basics of physics (classical and modern);
- knowledge of the experimental scientific method;
- mathematical and IT tools;
- technological and laboratory skills;
- the ability to work in a team and independently, and to enter new work environments;
- the methods and knowledge required for the next training path (Master Degree Course).
Cosa si impara?
The Bachelor Degree Course include lectures, exercises, and laboratory activities. The activities provide basic knowledge of classical and relativistic mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and structure of matter, nuclear physics, particle physics and astronomy. The student acquires operational and laboratory skills, mathematical tools in physics; computer and programming skills. The first year courses are: Geometry and Algebra, Calculus I, Programming Methods for Physics, Chemistry, Physics I (Mechanics, Fluids, Waves, Thermodynamics), Laboratory of Physics I (statistical analysis of data, error theory with laboratory), English language (level B1). The second year courses are: Calculus II, Physics II (Electrostatics, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Optics), Laboratory of Physics II (electrical circuits, laboratory exercises on topics of electromagnetism and optics), Analytical and relativistic mechanics, Numerical methods for Physics. The third year courses are: Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Structure of Matter, Astronomy, Institutions of Mathematical Methods for Physics, Laboratory of Modern Physics. The educational offer also includes the following elective courses: Complements of Classical Physics, History of Physics, Introduction to Complexity, Machine Learning for Physics, Introduction to Medical Physics. Some selected students (max 6) are also offered a Path of Excellence (24 CFU) with access to a higher level of training, which includes new, integrative or more advanced topics and methodologies through lectures, seminars, internships and an in-depth project.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
The graduates typically continue in a Master Degree Course, but also enter the labuor market in public/private organizations and companies, research laboratories, banks, health companies, such as Agencies for the protection of Cultural Heritage and the Environment, Laboratories for the quality certification of industrial productions, Data processing and modelling centres, High-tech companies, Services relating to medical and health physics, Companies and industries in the microelectronics, IT and optoelectronics sectors. It is an admission requisite for the exams qualifying graduates for enrollment in the recently established register of chemists and physicists.