Communication Sciences
- Berlino (DE)
- Breslavia (PL)
- Düsseldorf (DE)
- Lipsia (DE)
- Lubiana (SI)
- Madrid (ES)
- Malaga (ES)
- Potsdam (DE)
- Siviglia (ES)
- Tunisi (TN)
- Università Al-Manar, Tunisi (TN)
Qual è l’obiettivo del corso? Cos'è?
A cosa prepara?
A cosa prepara?
Communication Sciences is a strongly interdisciplinary program that provides the theoretical foundations, methodological tools and technical knowledge to understand the world of contemporary communication and be able to act within it. The different specializations of the course reflect the professional fields for which the degree prepares and are chosen after a common first year in which the necessary foundations are provided to perceive and understand the complexity of communication phenomena. They are:
- Information and Social Media;
- Public Communication;
- Publishing and Cultural Design;
- Visual Culture;
- Marketing and Advertising.
Cosa si impara?
The interdisciplinary nature that characterizes the course in Communication Sciences, that is, the coexistence of teaching from areas that cover both so-called humanistic disciplines and those of a more technical/scientific nature, stems from the complexity of communicative phenomena. Indeed, it obliges one to constantly keep in mind both types of study, which precisely in communication find a necessary synthesis. Sociological, linguistic, philosophical, historical, literary, artistic and semiotic subjects thus coexist with economics, statistics, design, computer engineering, Big Data analysis, just to name a few. In addition, dealing with communication involves the need to develop alongside theoretical knowledge also various practical skills, which in the course are assigned to different Laboratories each of which prepares to produce a specific communication product. Again there are different possibilities: from written texts to visual design, from websites to photography, from screenwriting to musical communication, etc. The Bachelor Degree Course also offers ample possibilities for customization of the curriculum, with as many as 4 courses to choose from a large number of optional subjects, each dedicated to a specific aspect of communication. Finally, there are several credits for educational activities to be carried out with alternative teaching modes such as seminars and workshops with professionals and companies.
Cosa si può fare dopo?
There are two types of career outlets in the communication professions. On the one hand, there are the professions that have now become traditional, ranging from journalism to advertising, from public communication to publishing; on the other hand, there are a large number of new professions that until a few years ago were not considered as such. Think of the digital identity management that Social Media Managers deal with for entities, companies or personalities; the communicative processes to which Influencers give rise or the new forms of journalism that the Internet has made possible; and again the many forms of audiovisual communication that have arisen with YouTube and continue with other social. Of course, one can decide to continue one's studies by pursuing a Master Degree Course, which, in the case of Communication Studies, allows one to specialize in a specific field. The University of Palermo offers three courses in this regard:
- Public, Business and Advertising Communication;
- Cultural Heritage Communication;
- Communication for Food.